Fact Sheet


To bring together persons interested in providing an effective Chaplain Service: to give aid, comfort and help to firefighters and their families; to work toward the betterment of all areas of the fire service.


All duly appointed chaplains of fire departments, association and auxiliaries whether paid, partially paid, volunteer, private or public. Associate memberships available to all persons interested in helping the fire chaplaincy work to further God’s Work, however and whenever possible.


To serve God, to aid humanity, our communities, our government, our religions, our Country and the quality of life; to help all of mankind in developing their most noble characteristics-that of serving others; to help bring better understanding of one’s level of authority; and to achieve a single healing, unifying spirit of love for God and each other.


Is non-denominational, non-sectarian and calls for no compromise of either individual belief’s nor convictions.


First and foremost to God, second to humanity.


As fire chaplains, our work is not limited to  the area of fire departments.  Firefighters, communities not victims of the devastating ravages of fire or other crisis happenings. We shall strive to help ease the sufferings of our fellow man wherever our paths shall lead. However, as  a base for our work, we have chosen the Nation’s fire departments, firefighters, the acknowledged world’s most dangerous profession, and fire victims, whose suffering is that most beyond description.

By providing an effective fire chaplain service, first within these areas, our work will achieve the goal of serving God and humanity. By the nature of their work, firefighters need the help provided by a thoughtful, caring and effective fire chaplain’s program.

This with God’s help we will strive to build.


  1. Fellowship, networking and training sessions for chaplains.
  2. Information of chaplaincy programs to all organizations interested in starting or maintaining a chaplaincy program.
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